

The Family 教育al Rights 和 Privacy Act of 1974 (also known as the Buckley Amendment) is a Federal Law that helps protect the privacy of student education records. 该法案赋予学生查阅和审查教育记录的权利, 寻求修改这些记录的权利, 以及限制从记录中披露信息的权利. The intent of the legislation is to protect the rights of students 和 to ensure the privacy 和 accuracy of education records. The Act applies to all institutions that are recipients of federal aid administered by the Secretary of 教育.

FERPA governs 和 protects students' rights to their individual educational records. Their FERPA rights begin when they enroll; that is, when the student has scheduled classes.  

What information about students may be released to 教员 和 University staff members?
定义为 目录信息 可以在没有学生书面许可的情况下被释放吗, provided that the student has not chosen to restrict his or her 目录信息. All other personally identifiable information in a student's educational record is confidential 和 may be disclosed to appropriate faculty 和 staff members only if their normal job duties require such access.

目录 Information is information contained in an education record of a student that generally would not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 has defined the following items as 目录 Information. These items may be released upon request unless the student specifically requests otherwise by submitting written notification to the 司法常务官办公室.

  • 学生的名字
  • 在大学的一年
  • 出席日期
  • 学院及主修领域
  • 注册状态(e).g. undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time)
  • 参加官方认可的活动和体育运动
  • 获得的学位、荣誉和奖项
  • 最近就读的教育机构或机构
  • 大学电邮地址
  • 家乡

体育菠菜大平台 will not disclose any other information without written consent from the student. 学生 have the right to refuse the disclosure of their 目录信息 subject to other overriding provisions of law. 保留目录信息, students must complete a Request to Prevent Disclosure of Information form in the 司法常务官办公室.


如果学生选择限制目录信息的发布, NO information can be released without further written permission of the student. Should someone inquire about an individual who has restricted the release of his/her 目录信息, 适当的教职员工回应是, “对不起。, 我不掌握有关此人的任何信息."

如果学生有限制目录信息的发布, you will see a special notation on the screen when you access their records in MyBLUE.

FERPA regulations state that you MAY release 目录信息 about a student, 但FERPA并不要求或强迫你这样做.

如果你收到关于学生教育记录的传票, 请在回复之前联系注册办公室. There are FERPA regulations that the University must comply with before responding to subpoenas or court orders.

Student groups do NOT have a legitimate educational interest 和 consequently may not be given confidential information about a student or students without each student's express written permission.

Access to personally identifiable information contained in educational records may be given to appropriate campus administrators, 教员, or staff members who require this access to perform their legitimate educational duties. 教师 members do not have access to student academic records unless their normal job duties specifically require access, 如, 记录他们指定的顾问. 这种类型的访问被称为“合法的教育兴趣”."

Writing a letter of recommendation may require express written permission from the student to allow you 1) to access the student's educational records, 和, 2)向第三方披露该学生的保密信息. A faculty member may access a student's educational records without the student's express written permission only if specific job duties, 比如学术顾问的职责, 要求访问这些记录. 然而, 一名教员, 或者其他合适的学校官员, may not disclose confidential information from a student's educational records to a third party without express written permission from the student. Personal observations about a student may be disclosed without the student's consent. 遵循这个 link 查阅学生参考资料发布表格. 

未经学生明确书面许可, 父母, 和其他第三方一样, 可以只访问学生的目录信息. 如果学生限制了他或她的目录信息, then the 目录信息 is considered confidential 和 you should respond to any inquiries by stating "I have no information on an individual by that name." Confidential information may be released to 父母 only with the express written permission of the student.

Please feel free to contact the 司法常务官办公室 for a confidentiality release form that can be used to allow a conversation with the 父母 or any third party. The student signs the form, indicating the records that may be released 和 the timeframe. You may also refer 父母 seeking information from their students' education records to the 司法常务官办公室.

Personally identifiable information about a student may not be disclosed without the student's express written permission. 因此,应该非常小心地保护这些信息(例如.g., student scores, ID numbers) when returning assignments, term 论文 和 exams to students.

University policy prohibits the disclosure of any confidential student information in a personally identifiable manner without the student's written consent. 教师可以使用学生专用的, 有密码保护的系统(如Canvas)来交流学术工作, 对学生个人的成绩或其他机密信息.

处理所有包含机密信息(如测试)的材料, 论文, class rosters) by shredding or by placing them in a receptacle intended for the collection of material to be disposed of in a secure manner.


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