
解决商业现实, 创造品牌的区别和一致性, 节省开支, the campus communication offices have refreshed the stationery designs across the system, with an intentional shift to highlight each campus icon. The NU stationery has not been touched in over a decade and doesn’t accommodate the University’s business needs—including shared or dual roles across campuses. Potential savings with paper costs and usage have also been identified with better efficiencies between our 校园打印店s under this project.

新风格 名片、信笺和信封 是2019年3月11日推出的吗. As you plan to reorder stock or introduce new hires, the new designs will be used beginning immediately. Please use up the stock that you have before ordering the new designs. 在信头, our print shop also has several months’ inventory of the old design, which will need to be used up before we begin ordering the new.

你的 校园打印店 in 通信 and 市场营销 is your sole source for university stationery. We work as a system to negotiate the lowest prices for large quantities of paper and offset printing of the brand elements.

我们在商标或者 品牌 已经改变了.