Kristy Kounovsky-Shafer, Ph.D.

Professor, Analytical Chemistry

Office: BHS 411E   |    Phone: (308) 865-8308   |    Email:

Kristy Kounovsky-Shafer


Ph.D., Chemistry (Analytical), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013
B.S., Chemistry and Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude; high honors) and Biology minor, Wayne State College, 2005

2019   Pratt-Heins Foundation Faculty Award - Teaching

Areas of Interest
DNA molecule presentation via nanofluidic or microfluidic devices for genomic analysis; concentration of DNA molecules using microfluidic devices

Teach Complex Concepts with Unexpected Props and Mental Imagery


Houtwed, H.A., Xie, M. Ahmad, A., Masters, C.D., Davison, M.M., Kounovsky-Shafer, K., Cao, H., Analysis of bisulfite via a nitro derivative of cyanine-3 (NCy3) in the microfluidic channel, 2019, Journal of Fluorescence (29): 523-529.

Masters, C., Dolphin, J., Maschmann, A., McGill, K., Moore, M., Thompson, D., Kounovsky-Shafer, K.L., Development of 3D printed mesofluidic devices to elute and concentrate DNA, 2019 Electrophoresis (40): 810-816.

Kounovsky-Shafer, K.L., Masters, C., Dolphin, J., Vonderfecht, A., System and methods for eluting and concentrating large DNA molecules for analysis, Provisional patent application, October, 2018

Maschmann, A., Masters, C., Davison, M., Lallman, J., Thompson, D., and Kounovsky-Shafer, K.L., “Determining if DNA stained with a dye from the TOTO-1 family can be digested with restriction enzymes,” 2018 JOVE (132)

Lallman, J., Flaugh, R., and Kounovsky-Shafer, K. L., “Determination of electroosmostic and electrophoretic mobility in low ionic strength solutions,” 2018 Electrophoresis 39 (5-6): 862-868

Kounovsky-Shafer, K. L., Hernandez-Ortiz, J. P., Potamousis, K., Tsvid, G., Place, M., Ravindran, P., Jo, K., Zhou, S., Odijk, T., de Pablo, J. J., and Schwartz, D. C. “Electrostatic confinement and manipulation of DNA molecules for genome analysis,” 2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 114 (51): 13400 - 13405

Schwartz, D. C., Kounovsky-Shafer, K., Hernandez-Ortiz, J. P., Potamousis, K., Jo, K., de Pablo, J., Odijk, T., “Presenting large DNA molecules for analysis”, Provisional Patent Application P140056US01, May 2017

Maschmann, A., Kounovsky-Shafer, K. L. “Determination of restriction enzyme activity when cutting DNA labeled with cyanine dimer dyes”, 2017 Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids, 36(6): 406-417

Gupta, A., Kounovsky-Shafer, K. L., Ravindran, P., Schwartz, D. C. “Optical Mapping and Nanocoding approaches to whole genome analysis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics”, 2016 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20: 44

Schwartz, D. C., Kounovsky-Shafer, K., and Jo, K., “System and Method for presenting large DNA molecules for analysis”, Patent Application PCT international application number 14/485,119, September, 2014

Kounovsky–Shafer, K. L., Hernandez-Ortiz, J. P., Jo, K., de Pablo, J. J., Odijk, T., Schwartz, D. C. “Presentation of large DNA molecules for analysis as nanoconfined dumbbells”, 2013 Macromolecules, 46: 8356–8368 (Featured in Nature Biotechnology)

 Kim, Y. Kim, K. S., Kounovsky, K. L., Chang, R., Jung, G. Y., de Pablo, J. J., Jo, K. Schwarz, D. C. “Nanochannel confinement: DNA stretch approaching full contour length”, 2011 Lab on a Chip, 11(10): 1721-9

 Yu, H., Jo, K., Kounovsky, K.L., de Pablo, J.J., and Schwartz, D.C. Molecular propulsion: “Chemical sensing and chemotaxis of DNA driven by RNA polymerase”, 2009. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 131: 5722-5723, (Featured in, PhysOrg,InSciences).