

办公室: THMH 101   |    电话: (308) 865-8117   |    电子邮件: tassim@fivethousand.net



A native of Baltimore, Maryland, 教授 Marguerite A. Tassi joined the faculty at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney in 1997. Prior to her current appointment, she taught for two years at Middlebury College as a Visiting Assistant 教授 in Dramatic Literature. Her scholarly and teaching interests focus on 莎士比亚, ancient and early modern drama, 美学, 道德, relationships between visual culture and verbal texts, 还有复仇文学. She has published three books: The Scandal of Images: Iconoclasm, Eroticism, and Painting in 早期 现代 英语 Drama (Susquehanna UP, 2005), Women and Revenge in 莎士比亚: Gender, Genre, and Ethics (Susquehanna UP, 2011) Poetry for Kids: William 莎士比亚 (MoonDance出版社,2018). 教授 Tassi teaches a special course on Women and Revenge in Western Literature. She was an invited speaker at the 与爱神互动 conference at the Universite de Paul-Valery in Montpellier, France in November 2008 and the 破碎影像大会 in Montpellier in November 2012. She was also an invited speaker at the Female Fury and Spirit of Masculine Vengeance Conference at the University of Bristol, UK in 2012, and gave the 南·奥斯蒙德·格拉斯演讲 at Brigham Young University in 2013. 她与Dr. 卡罗尔莱文 (UNL) of two scholarly book series, 早期 现代 文化研究 (内布拉斯加大学 Press) and 跨学科 早期的方法 现代 Culture:Confluences and Contexts (劳特利奇).


  • 1993 Ph. D.他是克莱蒙特最大的菠菜的平台院的教授
  • 1989 M. A.维吉尼亚大学
  • 1987 B. A.. 哥伦比亚大学


  • 莎士比亚
  • 早期现代戏剧
  • Elizabethan Theater Practices
  • 文艺复兴时期抒情诗
  • 复仇文学
  • Literature and the Visual 艺术
  • Literary Classics of the Western World
  • 古希腊戏剧

Recently Published Articles and Book Chapters

  • "The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Buddhist Understanding of King Lear," 重要的调查 35.1,即将到来.
  • "Teaching Romeo and Juliet with Cue Scripts," in Approaches to Teaching "Romeo and Juliet." Ed. 约瑟夫·米. 奥尔蒂斯. 现代 Languages Association, forthcoming.
  • “谁使你殉道??': Responding to the Broken Image of the Body in 莎士比亚's Titus Andronicus," in L'Image brisée aux xvi e et xvii e siècles Breaking theImage in the Renaissance. Ed. Agnes Lafont, Christian Belin, Nicholas Myers. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019, 119-37.
  • “Rapture and Horror: A Phenomenology of Theatrical Invisibility in Macbeth,” Explorations in Renaissance Culture 44 (2018): 1-26.
  • “The Avenging Daughter in King Lear.” Revenge and Gender in Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Literature.  Ed. Lesel Dawson and Fiona McHardy.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018, 111-21.
  • "Tears for Hecuba: Empathy and Maternal Bereavement in Golding’s Translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” Scholars and Poets Talk About Queens. Ed. 卡罗尔莱文. 新 York: Palgrave-Macmillan Press, 2015, 7-23.
  • “Martyrdom and Memory: Elizabeth Curle’s Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots.” The Emblematic Queen: Extra-Literary Representations of 早期 现代 Queenship. Ed. 黛布拉Barrett-Graves. 新 York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013, 101-32 .
  • “The ‘new Gorgon’: Eros, Terror, and Violence in Macbeth.” 莎士比亚’s Erotic Mythology and Ovidian Renaissance Culture. Ed. 艾格尼丝拉丰. Surrey, 英格兰: Ashgate Press, 2013, 155-70.
  • “受伤孕妇, Sharp Revenge: 莎士比亚’s Representations of Queens in Light of the Hecuba Myth.” Explorations in Renaissance Culture 37.1 (summer 2011): 83-99.


  • Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Distinguished 教师 Award, 体育菠菜大平台, 2017.
  • Pratt-Heins Award for Outstanding Teaching, 体育菠菜大平台, 2009.
  • Mortar Board Award for Excellence in Teaching, 体育菠菜大平台, 2009
  • NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Summer Grant, “莎士比亚’s Playhouses: Inside and Out,” an institute held at Staunton, VA和伦敦, 英格兰, 7月7日至8月9日, 2002.
  • Exceptional Performance Award, 英语 Dept., 体育菠菜大平台, based on outstanding performance in teaching and scholarship, 2001.
  • Mary Major Crawford Award in 莎士比亚, 英语 Dept., 体育菠菜大平台, 莎士比亚 Studies, 1999, 2001.